Saturday, November 22, 2008

Plant A Row Totals - 2008 - in approximate pounds
rhubarb - 60
radish - 63
spinach, swiss chard, lettuce - 45.5
herbs - 15
beets - 21
cabbage - 23.5
leeks - 7
celery - 2
misc. cherry tomatoes, zuchinni,
onions, potatoes, carrots - 30
So in the end, we had approximately 265 lbs of vegetables. This is not bad considering our late start and our dismal summer weather this year. Plus the fact that our carrots and potatoes never took. Next year, I hope to double this amount at the very least.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

End of Season

Hi Everyone!

Well, I would say we've officially come to the end of our season. Despite our weather this summer, I've seen some great harvests. Congratulations to everyone on their fantastic efforts. I'm putting the Plant A Row totals together and will be posting the numbers later this week.

I also wanted to say how much I enjoyed gardening with all of you this season and hope that you enjoyed your time at the garden. A giant thank you to all those volunteers who contributed so much of their time this summer to the up keep of the garden. From the school groups to the individual gardeners to those who just enjoy spending time in the garden. The success of the garden depends on all of you. Job well done.

I look forward to working with all of you again next year. See you at the sign up in March! I'll keep posting any new developments from now until then.

Wishing you all a warm Winter and blue skies...See you in the Spring!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Everyone's gardens look just fantastic.

Just a reminder, that although our weather has been cool, the soil in the beds will still dry out quite quickly. You'll want to continue to water your bed right up until harvest. This also goes for anyone who may have the task of taking care of any of the perennial trenches. ie raspberries, saskatoons, rhubarb.

I'd also like to thank Ibex Valley Greenhouses for their generous donation of flowers to the garden. We've planted and placed them throughout the beds and hopefully the frost will hold off long enough for us to enjoy them into the fall.

As well, thank you to those gardeners who have contributed so much volunteer time to the garden. It really does show!
The raspberries are ready to pick! Please help yourselves. We offer the berries on the outside of the trench to the public and reserve the ones on the inside for our gardeners. You'll also find strawberries in bed#9 and two large saskatoon trenches both inside and outside the fence. The saskatoons aren't 100% ready but it is great to see that we will have a nice crop this year.

DUGS Board Meeting
The DUGS monthly board meeting will be held at the garden on Thursday, August 14th, from 6:00-7:30 pm. Anyone and everyone are welcome to attend.

A Celebration of the Harvest

August 24th 1:00-4:30pm

The end of August brings this annual event held at the the community garden. All are welcome. It is a potluck affair and any gardeners interested in donating something from their garden plot are encouraged to so. If anyone would like to donate something that isn't from their garden, they are also encouraged to do so!

It's a fun afternoon of live music and entertainment. Come down and recieve your blessing from the Goddess of the won't be disappointed!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

June 5th

I've been tardy with my posts! Things are progressing in the garden. It seems that most of you have your gardens in now. With the lack of rain and plenty of wind, make sure that you are watering regularily to get those seeds germinated. Hopefully the last of the frosts are behind us.

The Shed

Please keep the shed in a neat and orderly condition. All hoses must be put away before the shed is locked up. There have been several occasions where this has not been done and things do have a tendency to go missing if left out.

Gardening Tasks

I have contacted some of you regarding your designated task in the garden. If I have not done so, don't panic, I will be doing so by the end of the weekend. Your task goes towards your volunteer hours as noted in the gardener's contract. Please record all hours on the back door of the shed on the white board.
I've also left a list of on going tasks, if anyone wants to do any additional work. The list is posted on the bulletin board on the outside of the shed.
Please remember to do the weeding around your beds as well. This maintenance does not count toward your volunteer hours. All gardeners are expected to keep a 2-3 foot perimeter around their bed reasonably free of weeds. Especially our two big invaders, the Dandelion, now out in full force and the Foxtail Barley, yet to bloom.

Work Bees

Our weekly work bee is Wednesday night from 7-9pm, headed by myself. For the month of June, Chris will lead a work bee on Saturday mornings from 8am-12 noon. The work bee is great for when we have a larger task to accomplish. Many hands make light work! Its also a great time to come out and meet your fellow gardeners.

Whitehorse Elementary

A big thank you to Monique Coderre and her grades 2,3 and 4 classes that have come out to help in the garden. They've watered, weeded, moved compost, tilled dirt and I think, had a lot of fun. It has been fun to have them help out. Have a great summer and don't be shy to stop by anytime you like!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Aqua Dimentia

The water is officially turned on and I almost went crazy trying to plug the holes in all the barrells after filling them and realizing they were leaking like sieves. Apparently, the winter months were not kind to them and they will be replaced.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bed Assignment

Thank You!

Well, it's been a busy, productive 2 weeks in the garden! Thank you to all those gardeners that came out to help with all the much needed care and upkeep required to get the garden off to a great start!

Bed Assignment

Bed assignment and Garden orientation is Wednesday, May 14th, between 6 and 8pm. Most of you are familiar with the garden by now, but be sure to show up to see which plot is yours. If you are unable to make it, I will be at the garden every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, from 12:30-4:30, for the rest of the season. Stop in and see me then and we can get you set up.

Garden Tasks

Some time in the next couple of weeks, we will be assigning a task to you that will be yours to maintain for the rest of the season. This task should use up the remainder of your volunteer hours as explained in the gardener's contract. We will contact each of you via email to let you know what this task will be. Tasks could include: watering/weeding perennial beds, filling water barrels, cleaning shed etc.

Shed Key

This year, everyone will get their own key to the shed. There will be a $5 deposit for this key and for every key that you require after that in the unfortunate event that you lose or misplace that key. There will not be a key left on site as in previous years, so be sure to bring it if you need to use anything from in the shed.

Water and the Toilet

The toilet has arrived and has changed locations to the cliffside of the garden shed. No more bathroom runs to MacDonalds!
The water will not be turned on in the garden until the threat of frost and freezing has passed. It is likely that it will be a few more weeks before that happens. In the mean time, we will arrange for the city to come by and fill some of the barrels. Hopefully that will happen by the end of the week so water is available for planting this weekend...

Once again we, Kathryn or Chris, can be reached by cell phone at 333-0348 or you can email to
See you all on Wednesday!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

May 3rd, Work Bee

Thank you to all those gardeners who showed up for the April 26th work bee. Our next workbee will be on Saturday, May 3rd, from 8am-4pm. It will likely be more of the same work: oiling logs and hopefully screening some dirt, frost permitting. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April 26th Work Bee

Work Bee
The weather has warmed and hopefully the garden has dried a bit from last weekend for this weekend's work bee. We've got lots of tasks to accomplish and look forward to seeing everyone there. Don't forget your boots and gloves! Saturday April 26th, 8am-4pm. See our website for a list of all workbees.

Board Meeting
The Downtown Urban Gardeners Society monthly board meeting is this week. We will be meeting at the Whitehorse Public Library on Wednesday, April 23rd from 6-7pm. Everyone and anyone is welcome to attend.

We ask that anyone dropping their compost off at the garden, please do not leave your plastic bags in the compost pile. This includes the biodegradable bags. The bags can be emptied and then discarded into the garbage bin by the shed.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Its that time of spring when we impatiently await dry, unfrozen ground! Although our weather is supposed to get a bit cooler by the end of the week, we will still be holding our scheduled work bee for April 19th. Dress warm and be thankful that the ground will probably be frozen enough not to be mucky! We will likely be concentrating on garden cleanup for our first couple work sessions until things dry out a bit more.

On the bright side, the seagulls are back...a definite sign of Spring!

Think warm thoughts and we hope to see you there!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Welcome, Gardeners!

Welcome to the official Whitehorse Community Garden Blog. Look for upcoming events, garden info, photos or up to date info on what's happening in the garden. Kathryn and Chris can also be reached by email at or by cell at 333-0348. Don't forget to check our website .
We look forward to a great 2008 Season!