Thursday, June 5, 2008

June 5th

I've been tardy with my posts! Things are progressing in the garden. It seems that most of you have your gardens in now. With the lack of rain and plenty of wind, make sure that you are watering regularily to get those seeds germinated. Hopefully the last of the frosts are behind us.

The Shed

Please keep the shed in a neat and orderly condition. All hoses must be put away before the shed is locked up. There have been several occasions where this has not been done and things do have a tendency to go missing if left out.

Gardening Tasks

I have contacted some of you regarding your designated task in the garden. If I have not done so, don't panic, I will be doing so by the end of the weekend. Your task goes towards your volunteer hours as noted in the gardener's contract. Please record all hours on the back door of the shed on the white board.
I've also left a list of on going tasks, if anyone wants to do any additional work. The list is posted on the bulletin board on the outside of the shed.
Please remember to do the weeding around your beds as well. This maintenance does not count toward your volunteer hours. All gardeners are expected to keep a 2-3 foot perimeter around their bed reasonably free of weeds. Especially our two big invaders, the Dandelion, now out in full force and the Foxtail Barley, yet to bloom.

Work Bees

Our weekly work bee is Wednesday night from 7-9pm, headed by myself. For the month of June, Chris will lead a work bee on Saturday mornings from 8am-12 noon. The work bee is great for when we have a larger task to accomplish. Many hands make light work! Its also a great time to come out and meet your fellow gardeners.

Whitehorse Elementary

A big thank you to Monique Coderre and her grades 2,3 and 4 classes that have come out to help in the garden. They've watered, weeded, moved compost, tilled dirt and I think, had a lot of fun. It has been fun to have them help out. Have a great summer and don't be shy to stop by anytime you like!