Big post tonight. I hope to be doing regular posts on Mondays to fill everyone in whats happening for the upcoming week...
Our New Weed Compost
As some of you may have noticed, the gazebo has been dismantled and removed from the garden. In its place we are starting our new weed compost. In the past we’
ve always taken the weeds to the compost at the city landfill but that has always proven to be a pain as we don’t always have a volunteer with the wheels to do so. So I figured why not try and compost the weeds ourselves.
So…all weeds, from now on, should be deposited on top of the little hill where the gazebo used to reside. Some of you may not have seen the gazebo; it was up on the little hill between the north and south gardens. The buckets will still remain at the front of the shed for easy access to everyone - the only difference is that everyone will dump their own weeds. This compost is for weeds ONLY. We are composting this just for the sake of composting. It will not go back into the garden plots. All other organic matter should still be going into the regular compost.
ie, grass clippings with no seeds, any cuttings or other vegetable matter from your garden bed.
On the topic of the weeds, all gardeners are to maintain a two to three foot perimeter around their plot reasonably free of weeds. Although we try to regularly
weedeat (see below), the dandelions and others need to be taken up root and all.
WeedeatingWeed eating of the common areas of the garden will begin this week. Please ensure that the area around your garden box is free of rocks, twigs, wood scraps, twigs and other things can cause the cutting cord to tangle. Such items may also become dangerous projectiles. Please rake the weed cuttings and put them in the new weed composting area where the gazebo was located. Please do not leave the clippings on the ground or in buckets around the shed.
Individual gardeners will be responsible for removing grass growing through slats in the sides of the garden boxes as the weed eater doesn't like to climb walls.
Thank you for your help and cooperation in this matter and an even bigger thank you to Rita (plot#10) for taking on this huge task.
DirtJust so everyone knows, we do have some dirt on site available to top up beds or add to any side containers you may have by your plot. There is a pile, being taken over by weeds and grass on the north side of the greenhouse. The other pile, while it lasts is in the south garden in front of the big beds.
GlovesAlthough I realize it is a personal preference, I notice that many gardeners do not wear gloves when working in the garden. I suggest wearing gloves to all gardeners as a matter of personal safety and hygiene as things may not always be as clean as you think they are.
Task Assignments
I’m touching base with the last of the gardeners and hope to have the task assignments done for this weekend. I do have a couple of projects right now and I’m wondering if anyone is interested. All hours spent go towards your 16 hours of volunteer time:
1.Person to cut and paint plywood for lids for water barrels (we supply materials only – no saw)
2.Person to rebuild bulletin board on outside of shed. Creative design encouraged and welcomed. (we supply materials)
3.The water barrels behind the shed have holes in them. Anyone have an idea on how to fix them? And if so, would you like to repair them?
4.Creative and artistic person to make up the plot signs for the south garden similar to the existing ones in the north garden. (we supply wood and paint)
5.Person to build frames to shore up rhubarb on sloped hill in north garden. We want to use the leftover pieces of timber from the south garden beds. We have a design idea but are open to other suggestions.
If anyone is interested in any of these tasks, please contact me at the
DUGS email:
dugsyukon@hotmail.comWednesday Night Workbee
We need to get the Plant a Row bed in the south garden tilled and planted. We also will have some weed eating to do and possibly some shelf building for the greenhouse. There is also that big pile of dirt still waiting to be moved into the big square bed(south garden.
Thank you to those of you that have been showing up for the work bees. Your time spent there is always greatly appreciated.