Sunday, September 15, 2013

End of Season

As another gardening season is about to wrap up, I'd like to send out a few reminders...

Work Bees

The Wednesday night work bee will continue for the rest of September. The weather has been holding out fairly well, so for the sake of the food bank deliveries if it continues to do so by the end of the month, I may add an extra one into October. We're losing our light rather quickly now so they will likely be abbreviated. I will be holding one last Saturday work bee on September 28th from 10-2pm. This is just a final chance to make up for any of the 12 hours you were not able to put in and we'll be concentrating on end of season tasks. Putting barrels away, hoses, compost etc. The City will likely turn the water off this week as well.

Plot Cleanup
If you are not planning to return next year and would like to get your bed deposit back, you must clean out your plot completely. Remove your vegetables or any weeds that may be left in the plot and turn the soil. This must be done and I must be notified by September 30th in order to get your $20 deposit back. Those who plan to return and stay in the same plot may leave their plot until the spring if they wish. Those who plan to return but would like to change plots are asked to clean their plots by the end of the season.

A reminder to put your weeds in the weed compost. Anything else from your garden can go in the regular compost. The more we can get in the pile this fall, the more compost we'll have for the beds in the spring! Anyone who would like to drop off their compost at the garden over the winter is more than welcome to do so.

Water Jugs
Some of you have been taking advantage of Russell's offer of old water jugs from Yukon Springs to use as planters. He would like me to pass on that he will have more, between 25 and 100, for the next work bee on September 18th. First come, first serve.

If you used the greenhouse this year, please clean out your containers and take them home. I don't mind if you store your containers in the greenhouse as long as they are cleaned out, stacked neatly and clearly marked with your name.
On a container note, anyone with extra containers or cloth or any other 'accessories' for your plot, please put these away neatly and so they don't blow out of the plot over the winter.

Plant a Row
This year has been a great year for the Plant a Row program. We've taken approximately 478lbs of vegetables to the food bank to date! Our biggest season so far. Our goal is 500lbs so anyone with veg to spare let me know or meet us on one of the last two Wednesdays when we do the collection. A big thank you to all that have made their donations. Big and small, every little bit counts!

I think that's it for now. I have some updates that I still need to post in regards to the on goings of this past summer. I'll get to them yet. Until then, I hope this post finds everyone well and warm. -k.