Okay...so I know I keep threatening to stop the Saturday work bees but have yet to, so this Saturday is going to be the last one! 8:00ish to 4:00ish. If I get a decent turnout, we should be able to get the South garden fully operational and the gardeners in there on their way to planting.
Wednesday night's work bee was productive. We got the beds lined and fill in the bottoms so they are ready for dirt. We have a bobcat coming on Saturday morning to help with that task. We will then have to add compost and mix really well. That will need to be done by hand so anyone that can show up, please do.
We also managed to get the potatoes in our large plant-a-row bed. This year will be much better than last year in terms of volume. We still need to get some other stuff planted in there: carrots, spinach, chard, beets...whatever we want basically. All the food grown in this bed will be donated to various agencies in town. Food Bank, Victoria Faulkner Woman's Centre, Kaushee's Place etc. This is another task that I'd like to have completed this weekend.
Hats off to our volunteers...
Wednesday night brought out:
Ramona 2 hrs
Rita E. 2 hrs
Meghan 1 hr
Laird 1 hr
and Heidi 2 hrs *Note...Heidi was trying to organize a youth growing food project that didn't quite make it to fruition. So instead, she has volunteered to plant and take care one of the large beds in the South Garden. All food to be donated...Thank you, Heidi!
Last Saturday we had:
Joan C. 4.5 hrs
Pat 4.5 hrs
Rita R. 5.5 hrs
Chris 4.5 hrs
Alex 1 hr
Toshie 4.5 hrs
Michael 1.5 hrs
Barb 1.5 hrs
This is great! I hope to have the board in the shed done up on Saturday so any hours you've put in when I haven't been around just keep track of until then. Also still working on tasks...
I think it's probably okay to start getting your seeds in now. Transplants I'd hold off on for at least another week as the temperatures are still pretty cool at night. Covering your plants if you do put them in, is highly recommended.